New Vice-Rector for Development, Research and International Cooperation

Date: 12.09.2022 Categories:: Ogólna
The entry may contain outdated data.

On September 8, 2022 Mr. Michał Bania, PhD was succeeded to the position of the Vice-Rector for Development, Research and International Cooperation. 

Together with the Vice-Rector for Quality of Education and Student Affairs, the new Vice-Rector will be responsible for coordinating the actions that leads to permanent development of our University, as well as shaping the scientific and educational policy.

New obligations will also include taking actions in international educational mobilities within the Erasmus+ Program, supporting the growth of international staff mobilities, Project Capacity Building, and elaborating the new Strategy of Development for ANS in Piła.

Currently, Mr. Michał Bania assumes the position of assistant professor in Department of Economics at ANS in Piła.

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