I, undersigned, declare that if my institution is awarded with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, my institution will undertake to:
Before mobility
During mobility
After mobility
On behalf of the Institution, I acknowledge that the implementation of the Charter will be monitored by the Erasmus National Agencies and that a violation of the above principles and commitments may lead to its withdrawal by the European Commission.
On behalf of the institution, I commit to publishing the Erasmus Policy Statement on the institution website
dr hab. Donat Mierzejewski, prof. ANS w Pile
Rector of Stanisław Staszic State University of Applied Sciences in Piła
Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS) strategy
Internationalization is one of the biggest challenges that tertiary education needs to face, either in Poland or worldwide. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education defined the process as: not only taking up studies by international students, but also employing an academic staff from abroad, and organizing staff mobilities within international educational and research programs. Internationalization means also gaining and exchanging knowledge and experience. Finally, it means participation in internationals programs of student and staff mobility, such as Erasmus+, Fullbright and others.
Through internationalization process, as well as by educating students from practical profiles from either bachelor’s or master’s degree, Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła (ANS w Pile) wants to contribute in creating more integrated and inclusive European society. Our aim is to buildthe human potential resources by preparing young academic specialists for taking up jobs at any time and in any EU country. For this purpose, we intend to participate actively in the international student exchange programs that enable students to gain additional soft and hard skills, as well as prepare them for more mobilities into the European labor market, furthermore we aim to consequently improve the quality of education and quality of services provided to students.
By encouraging non-EU citizens to study at our University, we wish not only to assist the local labor market by providing particularly talented employees, but also help with building human potential resources of partner countries. Admittedly, the additional value of the internationalization is better mutual understanding of cultures as well as religious, ethnic and national groups. Thanks to the fact, societies gain the possibility of verifying stereotypes and building new strong relations. Basing on the previous experience with Erasmus+ Program, we intend to develop the cooperation with chosen institutions in order to strengthen the bonds at the level of local societies inhabiting towns.
The Internationalization Strategy of ANS w Pile for years 2021-2027 (later Strategy) has been created in order to define main areas of the internationalization as well as predicting methods of their achievement.
It should be emphasized that University authorities, aware of the importance of internationalization of the European area of Higher Education, recognize the need for further development of international cooperation in several activities of the European Commission Program available for the University for 2021-2027. Therefore, participation in the Erasmus Program is perceived as one of the key strategic goals and tools, while taking other measures to internationalize didactic and scientific activities.
For this purposes the Institutional Erasmus Coordinator will remain an Employee of the International Relations Department, subordinate to the Vice-Rector for Development, Science and International Relations. The Program and it’s projects will be covered by the Internal System for the Quality of Education (WSZJK) in addition the Procedure of organization and implementation of international cooperation modeled on the ISO 9001: 2009 standards, thus, the university's policy adopted for the needs of LLP and Erasmus+ will be continued. The a.m. procedure will guarantee the transparency of the Program organization and implementation, as well as the recognition of the mobility period in the study and work path of each participant.
By applying for the Erasmus Charter for the years 2021-2027 ANS w Pile intends to contribute to the implementation of the renewed agenda for higher education, within the priorities described below:
In the past two editions of the Erasmus Programme ANS w Pile focused on learning mobility with what we call today program countries, in 2017 expanding to mobility with partner countries. In the period 2010-2020 ANS w Pile created, evaluated and modified its internal structure and policies regulating organization of Erasmus Porgramme, its management, quality assurance protocols etc. The university has implemented the ECTS regulations, created ECTS catalogues, course catalogues offered to incoming Erasmus students and procedures for full recognition of learning outcomes obtained during the mobility. Resulting in very good overall evaluation by participants. We continue to consider learning mobility as the backbone of our internationalization in the call 2021-2027 and hope, that in spite of downwards trends in mobility, we will be able to consequently increase the scale international exchange.
Building on these foundations the existing WSZJK and the Procedure of organization and implementation of international cooperation will be amended to meet the requirements of the new call. The programme will continue being managed by the Institutional Erasmus Coordinator - an employee of the International Relations Department, subordinate to the Vice-Rector for Development, Science and International Relations. It is important to underline that
the size of the University in Piła allows for a centralized approach, which in turn makes it easier to monitor all processes associated with mobility management.
In 2019 PUSS in Piła started the implementation of the University Study-Oriented System (called USOS) - a student management information system used in 50+ Polish universities. It is important to stress that the leading university responsible for developing USOS is engaged in creating the Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) platform and works towards achieving full compatibility of both systems. Simultaneously ANS w Pile started testing the potential of EWP Dashboard collaboration with Erasmus Volunteers and two partner Universities abroad. Furthermore the IRO, the Quality of education and students affairs and the IT departments are working towards preparing the infrastructure, hardware and software necessary to fully implement EWP Dashboard for managing student exchange (on all stages – before, during and after the mobility) and signing inter-institutional agreements in the academic year 2020/2021. They are also working towards expanding existing solutions to include a fully digitalized management of staff mobility.
Upon completing the system will reduce the administrative burden associated with student and staff mobility, simplify and improve the security of exchange of data, and decrease the past restrictions and negative impact on working environment associated with these processes. A further important gain will be a drastic reduction of the number of paper-based documents produced in order to mange each mobility.
Our aim being to precede the milestones set by European Commission: 2021 – to manage inter-institutional agreements and online learning agreements (implementation 2020); 2021 – Implementation of European Student Card (implementation 2021, if possible); 2022 - to send and receive student nominations and acceptances (planed implementation 2021, if possible); 2023 - to exchange transcripts of records related to student mobility (planed
implementation 2022, if possible).
We hope the undertaken steps to contribute in fulfilling main strategic objectives of our Internationalization Strategy and consequently goals 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 I 8 set in Erasmus Policy Statement.
Although Erasmus Learning mobility is considered to be the backbone of ANS w Pile internationalization, the university is looking to further expand the scope of international cooperation. The current university structure for programme management, past experiences and past staff training have set ground for engaging in Erasmus Key Action 2. Today ANS w Pile is looking to become a partner in projects in cooperation and exchange practices. We hope that by participating in these projects we will be able to gain important knowledge and know how on project management for future application. In the mean time we hope to able to share our experience and knowhow in the field of vocationally oriented higher education, dual study systems, and symbiosis-like cooperation with local business entities, industry and public institutions. Thus we hope to meet the strategic objectives of our Internationalization Strategy and consequently goals 2, 4 and 6 set in Erasmus Policy Statement.
The foundations laid by 10 years of international learning mobility within the Erasmus Programme, and the important knowledge gained through participating in International Credit Mobilty projects have made for a strong framework allowing to expand to Erasmus Mundus joint degrees. We have managed to build a strong network of partner universities and gatherd knowledge and expiriance about the education systems, procedures and protocols at the partner isntitutions. Today ANS w Pile has the necessary staff, organization, and procedures needed to establish dual/joint degree masters programmes. Our University is currently in the process of applying for a master’s programme in the field of economics, furthermore the staff in the department is participating in a project aiming to further increase their language proficiency in English. Notably many of the staff members Deparment of Economic are already engaged in international research projects.
The Erasmus Mundus implementation plan provides for the following calendar of activities: 2021 establishing a master’s degree in economics, simultaneously beginning of work aimed at acquiring project partners; 2022 establishing an English taught master’s programme in economics, setting up the project framework and protocols, international promotion of the study programme; 2023 Erasmus Mundus application, recruitment of full time students;
2023/2024 beginning of Erasmus Mundus project.
By establishing an Erasmus Mundus joint study programme we hope to meet the strategic objectives of our Internationalization Strategy and consequently goals 1 to 5 set in Erasmus Policy Statement.
Measures taken to respect the principles of nondiscrimination, transparency and inclusion of students and staff.
Study Regulations and Work regulations at ANS w Pile set out the basis of equal treatment and equality of opportunities guaranteed for all members of academic society regardless of their ethnical, national, cultural, religious, gender, sex orientation, physical and mental health, social and economical background. The Procedure of organization and implementation of international cooperation further guaranties equality of opportunities to all students and staff members, while setting publicly published rules of application, evaluation, grant awarding, mobility organization, and mobility recognition. These rules have been implemented and reputed during the whole period of Erasmus+ call 2014-2020 and will be continued in the forthcoming edition of the programme. All students and staff members are equal access to information regarding the projects and to application measures. During information/organizational meetings IRO staff members inform students and staff about opportunities provided by the Erasmus programme to persons coming from a disadvantaged background.
The same study principles and regulations that apply to Polish students are applied to all foreign students, including beneficiaries of the Erasmus programme, at every stage of their stay at the University. What's more, both the study regulations, work regulations and program implementation rules at the ANS w Pile provide for disciplinary steps and mechanisms to be followed in the event that domestic or foreign students report any behavior bearing symptoms of discrimination based on age, gender, disability, ethnicity, religious or cultural affiliation, sexual harassment or mobbing. Same rules have been put in place in the university’s student dormitory, and relevant information was included in Dormitory Regulations and made public on the university web page. During the first organizational meeting Incoming students are informed about procedures of reporting any kind of discriminatory behavior. The university also undertakes to prepare special electronically and printed booklet titled “report racism” which was prepared by the polish The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration.
The Rector of ANS w Pile has appointed the University Coordinator for Students with Disabilities who alongside of IRO (in the case of Erasmus Programme) is responsible for providing assistance and information for students with disabilities, the Coordinator is fluent in English and is also available for international students. Furthermore on an annual basis he evaluates the university infrastructure in order to identify any boundaries for students with disabilities and informs university authorities about the current needs. Outgoing students coming from a financially disadvantaged background are entitled to receive university social support, whilst students with disabilities can receive financial aid for their treatment and or support in obtaining a higher education degree.
For the needs of incoming students, the university conducts classes "Introduction to the history and culture of Poland" to help them better understand the mentality of Poles, learn about the culture of our country and its customs. Classes may also sensitize students to cultural differences and similarities.
Finally it need to be stated that for the needs of all program participants the university has implement two alarm phone numbers working and available on a 24/7 basis.
Measures put in place to implement the European Student Card Initiative
ANS w Pile is in the process of implementing the University Study-Oriented System (called USOS) – a student management information system used in 50+ Polish universities, technical universities, universities of applied sciences, university schools of physical education and other types of high education institutions. The system allows the unification of services at country level and integration achieved from effective cooperation of universities who jointly develop and deploy the system on a scale hardly to be found not only in Poland, but also other European countries. It is a system build by universities for universities.
This cooperation creates new quality in administration of education, since existing processes, rules and documents are discussed, changed, unified, before getting computer system support. System development is driven by user needs reported daily to system developers. Lobby of universities can influence existing law, as some examples demonstrate. Such cooperation has an impact not only on administration of education, but on education itself, mainly by supporting transparency and comparability. It is important to stress that the leading university responsible for developing USOS is engaged in creating the Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) platform and works towards achieving full compatibility of both systems.
ANS w Pile started testing the potential of EWP Dashboard in 2019 in collaboration with Erasmus Volunteers and two partner Universities abroad. Currently IRO, quality of education and students affairs as well IT departments are working towards preparing the infrastructure necessary to fully implement EWP Dashboard for managing student exchange in the academic year 2020/2021. University authorities decided that, under the provision EWP is fully operational, starting October 2020 all inter-institutional agreements and online learning agreements will be exclusively managed using USOS+EWP or EWP Dashboard simultaneously IRO will start encouraging all Erasmus candidates to download and use the Erasmus+ Mobile App. We will continue implementing new features of the Erasmus Without Paper network as soon as they are developed and made public. Our aim being to precede the milestones set by European Commission:
2021 – Implementation of European Student Card (implementation 2021, if possible)
2021 - to manage inter-institutional agreements and online learning agreements (implementation 2020)
2022 - to send and receive student nominations and acceptances (planed implementation 2021, if possible)
2023 - to exchange transcripts of records related to student mobility (planed implementation 2022, if possible)
Implementation and promotion of environmentally friendly practices in the context of the Erasmus+ Programme.
ANS w Pile aims to reduce the environmental impact of managing the Erasmus Programme by:
Promotion of civic engagement and active citizenship amongst your outgoing and incoming students before, after and during mobility.
The ANS w Pile University Mission states that: Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences in Piła as a state university, conducting professional studies at bachelor, engineering and master's level, through its didactic and scientific activities, co-creates the economic and cultural image of the city and the region. Is a university that educates students to be enlightened and responsible citizens of the Republic of Poland, actively operating in the information society of integrated Europe. We treat the highest quality of didactic, scientific and educational work as well as active participation in creating a European educational space as the basic social role of the University today and in the future.
The university will continue its efforts to increase the level of student involvement in social and civic life at regional, national and European level. In order to achieve this goal we will carry on with encouraging first and foremost students to promote the ideas of the program, try to raise their awareness of meeting local society and being ambassadors not only of the Erasmus Program but their country and culture.
We will continue inviting students to participate in events like Erasmus Days, open lectures, oxford debates, social and local initiatives (like volunteering at the local animal shelter) where they can give a testimony of who they are what values they represent and thus potentially tackle stereotypes lurking in the social cautiousness.
The University will also uphold the Erasmus Buddy system in order to encourage the engagement of Polish students and help foster relations between them and international student contributing to a better mutual understanding of cultures. Furthermore IRO staff will, based on past experiences, further conduct a part of the organizational welcome meeting for international students explaining cultural differences, the impotence and sensitive nature of cultural diversity.
Finally ANS w Pile will continue to efforts to increase the level of involvement of Erasmus beneficiaries in shaping the understanding of the programme itself, multiculturalism, horizontal social mobility by inviting them to participate as speakers during different events who’s recipients will be not only the academic society, but also the local community.
Commitment to implement full automatic recognition in your Higher Education Institution.
The university guarantees each participant of the Erasmus+ Program full recognition of completed periods of mobility and the learning outcomes achieved, provided they comply with the provisions of the financial agreement and the Learning Agreement for Studies / Learning Agreement for Placements. This procedure is guaranteed by several internal, crucial acts 1) Procedure of organization and implementation of international cooperation, 2) Procedure for Assurance of the Quality of Education (WSZJK) 3) Study Regulations.
Following both programme and University regulations all student mobilies need to be predeceased by preparing an Learning Agreement, the document is made with regard to education standards (if applicable), learning outcomes planned for the field of studies and ECTS standards. All learning agreements are prepared under the supervision of IRO staff at ANS w Pile and ate consulted with department ECTS coordinators in order to reduce any risk of error which could negatively influence the process of recognition.
According to the above mentioned and under the provisions of the ECTS system Learning Outcomes, including all received credits, achieved during a mobility are recognized as an integral part of the study programme at home, thus they are automatically transferred to the student's diploma and information about the period of mobility and the achieved full learning outcomes assigned to a given field of studies are included in the diploma supplement.
ANS w Pile has implemented transparent rules of grade recognition, the rules have been made public in the Procedure of organization and implementation of international cooperation where anyone can verify how to transfer credits according to the ECTS system. Furthermore IRO staff members upon request provide addition information on the recognition process, when in doubt regarding the recognition and/or points transfer students can also request for the aid seasoned Department ECTS coordinator.
The recognition process has been verified and approved by the University senate and during accreditation of different fields of study carried out by the National Accreditation Commission of the Republic o Poland.
Measures to support, promote and recognise staff mobility.
ANS w Pile has adopted the policy of equal access of all staff members to participating in the Erasmus Programme and the University management continues to uphold an atmosphere aiming to encourage all staff members to at least once every other year participate in international exchange. Alongside formal and administrative support provided by IRO and outlined in the Procedure of organization and implementation of international cooperation, our institution strives to find new solutions aiming to encourage staff members to be more mobile. Good examples of that activity are projects that allow organizing free of charge language courses for staff members both at home and abroad. The IRO in strict collaboration with the university management, human resources and partner universities abroad organize training weeks for groups of administrative staff in order to help them develop their skills according to the current needs of the University, (f.e. courses on intercultural communication, quality assurance etc.)
In 2019 Yhe university has started the development and implementation of IT tools which would allow the digitalization of mobility management, simultaneously deducing the application workload on the side of the applicant.
The employee evaluation system adopted at the university guarantees that international mobility is included in the annual assessment (in the case of academic teachers) or quarterly assessment (in the case of administrative staff) and is taken into account in the bonus process. Furthermore, active participation in international mobility is one of the positive validators taken into account in the professional promotion of employees.
Plan to regularly promote the activities supported by the Programme.
The Erasmus Policy Statement is closely related with the Stanisław Staszic University of Applied Sciences Internationalization strategy. And as such the documents will be posted both on the Polish https://ans.pila.pl/pl/erasmusplus/strategia-internacjonalizacji.html and English https://ans.pila.pl/en/pwsz-inpila/ strategy-of-internationalization.html University web page and links to the respective language version shall be located in several relevant subpages.
On February 2018 ANS w Pile has created an International Relations Center (IRC) located at the entrance to the campus premises, welcoming anybody entering with the exposed Erasmus Programme logo. The IRC is also the seat of the Institutional Erasmus Programme Coordinator and is actively involved in creating new methods of disseminating the ideas and principles of Erasmus. The University will continue using established promotion methods developed during the past editions of the Programme such as: newcomers day, students meetings (held every term), annual staff meetings, Erasmus Days dedicated both to the academic society and local community (organized every semester as part of important University events f.e. Science Fair). The University will use social media - Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and other popular internet platforms to communicate with all groups of interest. In the past good relations with local media have hugely contributed to the promotion of the Programme and its outcomes in the whole region, ANS w Pile aims to continue this valuable cooperation also in the future.
In recent years, the IRO has engaged selected program beneficiaries to actively promote the Erasmus program and their individual outcomes among the academic and the local community. Based on these expirainces the IRO has set out with support of University Management to create an Erasmus Alumni Network aiming to promote the Program, it’s outcomes and create networks which might help to further develop established means of collaboration.
The Univeristy will pursue translating as many information materials and project results as possible into English and as many other languages as possible. Those materials will be made available on the University web page and other means of communication, f.e. social media, YouTube. Information on projects and their outcomes will be also published on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform project web pages.
How the principles of this Charter will be well communicated and applied by staff at all levels of the institution
Ever since ANS w Pile started it’s participation in the LLP Erasmus, consequently the provisions of the Erasmus Charter have been implemented in University regulations and procedures, thus making sure they are available and understandable for members of the academic society. The university in Piła will continue implementing the Erasmus Charter Provisions into its internal policies such as 1) Procedure of organization and implementation of international cooperation, 2) Procedure for Assurance of the Quality of Education, 3) Study Regulations, 4) Work Regulations.
University Authorities support IRO in activities carried out to promote the idea of the Erasmus Program, its principles and goals. Information about the Program and Erasmus Charter and its provisions is made public on several levels:
Before the mobility IRO employees will direct all Erasmus beneficiaries to the principles of the charter posted the university web page.
The Erasmus Student Charter has been, and will continue being a integral part of the university beneficiary financial agreement.
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